Real Time IT Experts

Best SAP FICO Training Institute in Bangalore



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REAL TIME IT EXPERTS is one of the best in software training in Bangalore, We delivered the training for many individuals, groups, and corporations, We prioritize to give our best quality of training and further assistance, You have complete freedom to customize course topics and time, REAL TIME IT EXPERTS is a good experience and a generation ahead. Register yourself for unbelievable prices.

HANA Studio

  • HANA Overview
  • Importing data from flat files
  • Tables Creation by using different options
  • Attribute Views/standard,derived,copy & time
  • Analytic Views
  • Temporal Join
  • Referential Join
  • Calculation Views:Union,projection,aggregation,rank & Join
  • Star Join with Calculation views
  • Dimension Calculation Views
  • Scripted Calculation Views
  • Analytic Privileges
  • Delivery Units
  • Hierarchies
  • Calculated Atributes
  • Derived Attributes
  • Currency Translations & UOM Conversions
  • Variables
  • Input Parameters
  • Restricted Measures
  • Calculated Measures
  • Auto Documentation
  • Table functions
  • Mass copy
  • All options in Quick view
  • Sap hana development perspective
  • hdb table
  • hdb procedure
  • hdbtable function
  • Debugging the procedures
  • Sap Hana planviz
  • Visualization plan
  • Explain plan
  • HALM Process
  • Import BW Info  objects to HANA

Declaring PL/SQL

  • Identify the Different Types of Identifiers in a PL/SQL subprogram
  • Use the Declarative Section to Define Identifiers
  • List the Uses for Variables
  • Store Data in Variables
  • Declare PL/SQL Variables


Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement

  • The SELECT Statement
  • The SELECT and FROM Clauses
  • Conditions and the WHERE Clause
  • Other Conditional Operators
  • Logical Operators

Restricting and Sorting Data

  • The ORDER BY Clause
  • Column Aliases
  • Arithmetic Expressions

Restricting and Sorting Data

  • The ORDER BY Clause
  • Column Aliases
  • Arithmetic Expressions

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

  • Overview of Table Joins
  • Inner Joins
  • Table Aliases
  • Outer Joins

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

  • Overview of Table Joins
  • Inner Joins
  • Table Aliases
  • Outer Joins
  • Self Joins
  • ANSI Standard Joins

– Using the Set Operators


– Manipulating Data

  • Inserting Rows
  • Updating Rows
  • Deleting Rows
  • Verifying Updates
  • Transaction Control
  • Commit and Rollback
  • Save points
  • Commits and Constraints

– Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

  • Creating Tables
  • Specifying Constraints
  • Altering Tables, Columns and Constraints
  • Dropping Tables, Columns and Constraints
  • Copying Tables

Creating Other Schema Objects

  • Creating and Using Views
  • Dropping Views
  • Create a Sequence
  • View Sequence Details
  • Create a Synonym
  • List Synonyms

Window functions

  • Rank
  • Dense_rank()
  • Lead()
  • Lag()
  • Row_number()


  • Data Provisioning using SLT (ECC to HANA)
  • RFC Connection
  • SLT Configuration

Introduction to PL/SQL

  • What is PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL Environment
  • Benefits of PL/SQL
  • Overview of the Types of PL/SQL blocks
  • Create and Execute a Simple Anonymous Block
  • Generate Output from a PL/SQL Block


  • BW HANA Migration
  • Data Flows
  • New options in Characteristic
  • New options in Transformation and DTP
  • Standard, SAP HANA-optimized DSO
  • Standard, SAP HANA-optimized Info Cube
  • SPO Info Cube
  • Hybrid Provider
  • Virtual Provider Based on an SAP HANA Model
  • Analytic indexes using HANA Models to BW
  • Transient Providers on an SAP HANA Model
  • Composite Providers in the Data Warehousing Workbench
  • Open ODS View
  • Converting Standard InfoCubes to SAP HANA-Optimized InfoCubes
  • Converting Standard DSO’s to SAP HANA-Optimized DSO’s
  • Publishing HANA Models to BW
  • Import BW Info provides to HANA
  • LSA and LSA++
  • Operational Data Provisining(ODP)*
  • BW SLT*
  • Smart Data Access*